Simone Simonelli Designs

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Design buffs, take note: Simone Simonelli is about to shake the exposed brick walls of your lives. This 29-year-old’s pieces borderline on bizarre, and ever since he broke onto the scene with lustrous and colourful glass-resin handled cutlery in 2005, Simonelli’s spunky statement-making fittings have been internationally well received. If you honk for lampshades, and find delight in the unusual, scope this guy out.
A self labeled “obstinate”, some of Simonelli’s particularly offbeat designs include his quirky phonograph inspired birdhouse, ‘Almost Famous’ ceramic and wood lamps, and charming tables from his ‘Teashot Family’ collection. These furnishings feature doily-like lace detailing, and may be reminiscent of your grandma’s tables but… um, way cooler.
While he is native to Italy, and currently works out of a studio in Milan, Simonelli’s works are a declaration of adventurous art to the international community and are largely inspired by everyday items. In an interview with Yatzer, Simonelli said, “Personally, I get a lot of inspiration from visual culture. It is more probable that a new idea comes to me from a photo seen on Flickr than from a formal gesture. I think visual language has a main influence in my life.”
When asked in the interview what his best advice is to young designers, Simonelli replied, “Have a good breakfast in the morning!” The man knows what he’s talking about.
So, dear readers, take some time out of your day to check Simone Simonelli out – you won’t be sorry. The way he’s going, Simonelli’s off-the-wall works will be coming soon to a showroom near you.
-Cora Nijhawan

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