Hilarious comedy night featuring Canadian Comedy-Award winning host and author Marcel St. Pierre with guests Martha E. Chaves (Just For Laughs, CBC, SheDOT), Nour Hadidi (JFL, CBC, Sirius XM) Dan Redican (CBC, Comedy Network) , Jon Steinberg (SirusXM, JFL, CBC-Radio), Jeremy Woodcock (CBC, This Hour Has 22 Mins, Sketchfest, JFL42) and sketch from Parker and Seville (Sketchfest, The Beaverton) MUSICAL GUESTS: Captain Cowboy and The Money Maker who play “Old time folk and Americana played at a ragtime pace, rounded by jazzy vocals and a gritty finish.” – INSPADES MAGAZINE
TICKETS: $15 at the door
DISCOUNTS: $10 for students and arts workers
ADVANCE $10 tickets available on eventbrite.ca at shortlink: https://goo.gl/iJeEKY Copies of Marcel’s new book Cliché And Wind Go Hitchhiking will be
available for purchase and signing.