Raptors are the NBA World Champions and Toronto can’t contain itself
Last week, The Raptors brought the NBA Championship home to Toronto.
After a very disappointing game 5, the Raptors regrouped and won in game 6.
The big question is if Kawhi Leonard is staying with The Raptors with another year, 5 years or moving on.
BlogTO hit the streets and ask Torontians what would they do to keep Kawhi in Toronto
But listen to this…
The CEO Jai Waterman of Blockstation is taking a much bigger initiative in order to keep Kawhi in the north.
Blockstation is looking to pay Kawhi’s salary in full for 5 years if he stays. You heard right.
Check out the details at Blockstation.com
“Join the movement, or use hashtag #KaWhiWait on Twitter and Instagram and be part of this movement”
Watch the video to learn more about this campaign and how you can help keep Kawhi in Toronto playing for The Raptors.
What can you do to help keep Kawhi in Toronto?
Go to Blockstation, sign up and join the movement to find out their next steps in keeping Kawhi in Toronto.