Michael Jackson 1958-2009: Pretty Young Thing

Image from www.allmichaeljackson.com
Stranger days we can’t really remember here at CHEEKMagazine.com. Two icons lost in one day, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson, the “King of Pop”. June 25, 2009 was definitely a sad one.
So I decided to title this blog with my favourite Michael Jackson song of all time, Pretty Young Thing. I have spent many a night dancing to that one, and singing or should I say, screaming “I want to love you, P.Y.T. Pretty Young Thing! You need some loving, T.L.C, Tender Lovin’ Care…”
Obviously I am one of a zillion people who will be blogging about MJ’s untimely passing. He and his music meant a lot to more people than I can count, and I can count pretty high! The proof is everywhere, from my walk into to work and hearing MJ blasting from a zillion cars (and a mail truck) to seeing copious Facebook status updates dedicated to Mr. Michael Jackson.
Even with his sideshow of a personal life, Michael Jackson will always be remembered for the musical genius he truly was. He revolutionized dancing and live performances, I mean who can forget the first time they saw him moonwalk?
I remember being a kid and with my jaw on the floor and squealing to my sister “How’d he do that?? How’d he do that??”
And no video to this day can match Thriller! The dancing zombies, Vincent Price, the red leather jacket and of course Michael Jackson’s yellow eyes at the end of the video that gave me nightmares and my sister fodder to scare me for longer than I care to admit.
No one has matched him yet and he will be remembered not for his troubled adult life, but for what he gave to us all with his music and his kick ass dance moves.
Rest In Peace Michael, thanks for everything.
We send out warm thoughts to his family and loved ones.

Image from www.allmichaeljackson.com
–Caroline Shaheed, Managing Editor.